A blocked nose can be a source of great irritation. Here is how you deal with it in the right way.
Don’t blow your nose.
Blowing your nose while it’s blocked when there’s nothing to expel will only make the congestion worse. Quit tissues and resolve to use them only when you have a runny nose.
Blowing hard frequently will make the fragile membranes inside your nostrils get more inflamed, leading to increased stuffiness.
Take an over-the-counter decongestant or antihistamine.
Depending on the cause of the blockage, you might be able to find some relief in extensively available medications. If you have a cold, pick up a decongestant. Decongestants will relieve the swelling and inflammation in your nasal passages, leading to easier breathing.
If you’re suffering from allergies, such as hay fever, consider getting an antihistamine.
Use a saline nasal spray.
Saline nasal sprays are simply salt water in a handy applicator. The water will appease the inflammation in your nose, as well as flushing out any mucus or bacteria.
Lean over a sink, with the tip of your nose is pointing toward the drain. This position allows the water to easily run out of your nose.
Slowly spray the saline into one nostril at a time. Allow the solution to drain from your nose completely before spraying again.
Use the saline solution two to three times a day.
Use steam to ease congestion.
The moisture and heat from steam will ease the inflammation and help you breathe easier. You can do it as often as you need to, including running a humidifier constantly until you feel better.
Take a steamy shower.
Put a towel at the bottom of the bathroom door so that no steam can escape, and turn the temperature up. If you don’t want to bathe, simply get the shower going and inhale the steam as it fills the bathroom.
Inhale the steam from a boiling pot of water.
Bring the water to a gentle boil, and carefully lean over it to breathe in the steam.
Run a humidifier or vaporizer
This can be especially helpful while you’re sleeping or about to. To keep the steam even more intense, build a tent over the humidifier with pillows, blankets and furniture and make sure there are no large gaps that would allow the moisture to escape.
Stay hydrated.
Drinking plenty of fluid will thin out any mucus in your nose, making it easier to oust. The extra moisture in your system will also appease irritated nasal passages and prevent sinus blockages. Consider herbal teas, broths, or soups.