Green tea offers great benefits for children

Green tea offers great benefits for children

Green tea is organic and good for the health. Consuming it has no age limitations. Right from kids of younger age to old people, anyone can consume green tea every morning. Green tea is characterized to be a good anti-oxidant. Antioxidants help promote the immune system, combat free radicals and also help in circulation of the blood and other vital functions of the body.However, many have a misconception that green tea is an adult beverage and is not advisable for kids. However, the American Dietetic Association calls such thinking a misconception, and believes that it green tea has amazing health benefits for children as well.

Some of the benefits are mentioned here:


Reduce cavities

Green tea has good proportions of fluorine. Fluorine is basically a plant based substance, which prevents formation of cavities in children. Many toothpastes contain fluorine. However, wouldn’t a natural fluorine substance be more effective than the fluorine based toothpaste? Fluorine also helps to strengthen the enamel of the teeth.

 green tea

Reduce diarrhea

Green tea is antioxidant in nature. It helps in prevention of bad bacteria. The greater the number of bad bacteria, the more is the chances of diarrhea. It is also considered to be a sterilizer. The sterilizing effect helps to maintain the health of the child’s intestinal tract. Hence, not only the teeth but the intestine also benefits by regular consumption of green tea by the kids.

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Support immune system

Many kids are weak and are easily prone to weakness, cold and sickness. For such kids green tea helps to improve the immune system. Green tea has Vitamin B1, B2, C and E, which is good for the immune system. These nutrients help in having a healthy heart, circulatory system and keep infections away. Kids become stronger internally to fight against viruses and bacteria, which they are often exposed to.

Some other important advantages of green tea include the safety and overall benefits of the drink on the children. However, it is not advised for infants and toddlers. Moreover, always control the green tea amount given to kids. As green tea also comprises of caffeine and caffeine can increase heart palpitation and cause jitters. Hence, it is advised to give kids no more than approximately 4 to 6 oz of green tea every day.


Green tea given in controlled amount can help increase the immunity and prevent cavity in kids. However, always consult the physician for the right age and quantity to give kids green tea.

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