Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a central nervous system disease, also known as disseminated sclerosis or encephalomyelitis disseminata and it affects the brain and spinal cord. It is an inflammatory disease in which the insulating covers the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord is damaged. The course of disease varies greatly person to person and it is not possible to predict the harshness or progression in any given individual.
Multiple sclerosis is tricky because so many other conditions can also cause similar symptoms. Only a neurologist can confirm MS after performing appropriate tests. It can take years or even decades for people to diagnose MS.
- Blurred or Double Vision: This is one of the most common early symptoms prompting a person to visit the doctor. The problem will occur like double vision, blurred vision, irritatipon, eye pain and scotoma.
- Memory loss:It is the most common mental change in people with multiple sclerosis and it can occur anytime.
- Tingling and Pain:In this situation your arm, fingers or toes may fall asleep and also can cause pain in the muscles. Like other symptoms, this is a result of damaged nerves sending mixed signals to different parts of the body.
- Fatigue:It is a stage of mental and physical weakness; it also refers to tiredness, listlessness and lethargy.
- Constipation and Bladder dysfunction: A person with MS will have the problem of constipation and this problem will compounded if the person has bladder dysfunction and is cutting back on water.
Treatments for MS
Unfortunately, multiple sclerosis (MS) has no cure. Treatment typically focuses on strategies to treat attacks, manage symptoms and control the progress of the disease.
- Corticosteroids: This treatment is mainly used to reduce the irritation that spikes during deterioration. However, it has several side effects like mood swings, seizures, increasing risk of infection and weight loss.
- Plasmapheresis: The procedure of Plasmapheresis includes plasma exchange. Doctor removes some blood from your body and separates your blood cells from your plasma mechanically to mix your blood cells with a replacement solution and return the blood to your body.
Multiple Sclerosis is a disease of central nervous system, which destroys brain and spinal cord. It is a disease of immune system and this disease has no cure but it can be controlled by special treatments.