Every woman seeking to be a mother has constant worries. Am I infertile? And if I do get pregnant, am I getting enough nutrition? Did I bump my stomach too hard on the counter? Should I be taking vitamins? What if something I eat harms my baby? And a thousand more questions circling around in their minds. A pregnancy is stressful enough, without unduly worrying about useless matters like low-fat peanut butter or normal peanut butter. So here is some advice compiled to make the pregnancy healthy for you and your baby as well as simple and easy to follow.
Don’t Eat for Two
Soon-to-be moms often here this catchphrase. “Eat for two.” Wait, she thinks to herself so I just double everything I eat? The answer is not so cut-and-dry. Eating for two means you are supporting two immune systems (albeit one being very small), providing nutrition for two bodies, and consuming enough calories to keep two energy levels up.
So, keep up the good work you have done so far, eat lots of protein, iron, folic acid, and calories, lots of calories. This does not mean eat two boxes of Twinkies either, (even though that doesn’t sound half-bad). It means to eat richer foods, vegetables, fruits, things high in protein and iron. Well-balanced, nutritious meals are a must.
So now comes the issue of weight gain, after eating for two, women worry. Am I gaining enough weight? What if it’s too much? There is a simple solution for this. Here is a small description that gives general weights of where a pregnant woman should be at.
If before you became pregnant you were at a normal, healthy weight you should gain about 25 to 30 pounds; if you were underweight about 28 to 40 pounds; if you were overweight about 15 to 25 pounds; if you were obese about 11 to 20 pounds.
Maintain Good Food Hygiene
Going hand-in-hand with eating correctly while pregnant, is making sure you are not eating what is harmful.
Dairy products that may prove to have harmful effects are cheese and eggs. Let’s explore why. Mainly you should steer clear of mold-ripened cheeses, for they could contain listeria bacteria, which is harmful to the unborn child. Soft cheeses made with unpasteurized milk can also contain harmful bacteria. Eggs are only dangerous when they are raw or undercooked. While this seems an obvious thing to steer clear from, sometimes in homemade ice cream or mayonnaise raw egg is present.
Above you were told to eat lots of protein and what a better way to gain that but to eat meat? Well, there are a few things you should watch out for. Liver is unsafe for pregnant women due to the high content of retinol. The other main issue when preparing meat is to order or cook it well-done. You don’t want to see blood oozing on the plate and take especial care when preparing or ordering barbecue or pulled pork. These meats can be deceptively undercooked.
Exercise Regularly: Walking It Off
Something that relates very nicely to how much food and what kind of calories a mom-to-be should consume, is fitness. Remember, balance in life is the key to health. Every pregnant woman, unless there are extenuating circumstances should exercise between two hours and two hours and 30 minutes a week. And exercise means moderate aerobic activity.
Being fit has benefits for pregnant women:
– It eases aches and pains
– It decreases recovery time after labor and increases preparedness for labor
– It helps keep regular sleeping patterns
– It reduces anxiety and increases self-esteem
– It may help prevent preterm delivery
Supplement Your Life With Supplements
While herbal medicines and dietary supplements are not recommended and can be dangerous for your baby as well as for yourself, vitamins with the correct amount of dosages can do nothing but help a healthy woman with her pregnancy.
The vitamin or supplement should contain 400 micrograms of folic acid, 10 mcg of vitamin D, and if fish is not a frequent part of your diet fish oil supplements may be beneficial. But before taking any supplements it is always wise to consult your doctor or midwife first.
As with all matters in your pregnancy, if you are unsure of what to do or are alarmed with what you are feeling reach out to your doctor, midwife, or medical professional right away.
Article Submitted By Community Writer.