Acupressure – Rejuvenate your Body, Mind and Soul at Travel

Acupressure - Rejuvenate your Body

The greatest of all treasurers is the treasure of a great health. A healthy mind is the catalyst behind all the great work ever done. Today as we stand on the highs of life and missing, the little basics that make a life enjoyable and lovable, we see ourselves foolishly tied up in this vicious web. Acupressure is a practice that can make a huge impact that can upgrade the quality of your life. Acupressure is based on the concept of life energy that flows through “meridians” in the body. Applying pressure to small points can help alleviate some common ailments. Acupressure is very effective in treating travel ailments. The common day problems acupressure can help resolve are:


Motion sickness, nausea and vomiting

Acupressure is very effective in eliminating the problems of motion sickness, nausea and vomiting. This involves some simple steps: Take your index finger and middle finger and place them on your wrist at the base of your palm to measure where your nausea acupressure point is. Locate your pressure pointtwo or three finger widths down from the top crease in the wrist, centered in the groove between the two large tendons. This is known as the P6 point (or “inner gate”). Now take your thumb and index or middle finger and press firmly on the points on both sides of the wrist when you feel nauseous. Tap your wrists together gently at the acupressure points while taking deep breaths.


Decreasing stress

Yintang is your third eye, located in the middle of your eyebrows.Because of its location, it can help reduce frontal headaches, but its most common use is for stress. The most common use for Yintang in modern acupuncture clinics is to calm the mind. Acupuncturists choose it for people who complain of anxiety and related symptoms, such as insomnia due to over thinking.


Improving Digestion

Acupressure practice famous for benefits in improving digestion and helps evolve through this common problem. The point is on the outer shin, just below the knee. Relax the leg and keep it straight, place your four fingers on your knee with the index finger against the knee cap. Mark the horizontal level under the pinky finger. At that, levels, using the middle section of your middle finger, place the knuckle on the shinbone, where the second knuckle lands (going toward the outside of the leg) in a vertical line.

Acupressure, as proposed by Sustitha Care wellness tourism facilitator, thus helps you in making your travel experience enjoyable. Acupressure caters to certain other problems like, neck, back pain, Insomnia, anxiety, and maintains your overall heath.


Acupressure has emerged as a very effective way, improving the quality of regular life and releasing people of tit bits of everyday problems.

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