Although not recognized by a sizeable number of conventional doctors, leaky gut syndrome is a condition that affects the inner linings of the intestine. The condition is also called increased intestinal permeability and occurs when the intestinal lining sustains injuries or is damaged. The result of either of the options mentioned above is in an ineffective intestine, which would not be able to protect the internal environment from impurities and toxins. The condition would also make the intestine incapable of filtering nutrients and other biological substances effectively.
Causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome
Intestinal permeability or increased intestinal hyper-permeability is one of the main reasons for leaky gut syndrome. This is known to happen when the junctions located within the gut fail to control the substances that pass through the small intestine’s lining. As a result, the substances would leak into the blood stream, causing leaky gut syndrome.
Studies indicate that individuals with celiac and Crohn’s diseases tend to suffer from leaky gut syndrome. The condition is also known to affect children with autism. However, there is lack of evidence pertaining to the exact cause of leaky gut syndrome, with many attributing it to a sensitive stomach, food sensitivities or even metabolic problems.
Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome
A range of symptoms can diagnose leaky gut syndrome. The most common of which include cramps, aches, bloating, gas and increased food sensitivities. As the condition is not described in medical books, it would take a very qualified healthcare provider to spot the symptoms and diagnose it accordingly.
Treatment options for Leaky Gut Syndrome
Alternative medicine practitioners recommend individuals to purchase home testing kits to measure their intestinal permeability. It is sad to note that many doctors tend to rule out leaky gut syndrome if the concerned patient does not test positive for celiac disease, Chron’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis or asthma.
The most common treatment option for the condition involves the use of dietary pills. Treatment is also carried out using NSAIDs and alcohol. Individuals with the condition would need to eat many fiber rich foods. They would need to follow an anti-inflammatory diet that consists of essential fatty acids (for example; fish oil and GLA).
Individuals with the condition would also be prescribed Glutamine supplements in order to aid proper digestion. They may also be prescribed probiotic supplements containing Lactobacillus CG, and may be administered Culturelle.
Although not recognized by conventional medicine practitioners, leaky gut syndrome is very much a problem that affects the intestinal lining. It can be caused by food sensitivities, metabolic problems, intestinal permeability, etc. Treatments for the condition include following an anti-inflammatory diet, eating fiber rich foods and taking Glutamine, probiotic supplements.