Some pointers that differentiate men's health from women's health

Despite voicing our support for the fact that a woman can do anything and everything a man can do, we would have to take back the claim for certain cases. And one special case pertains to the subtle differences between a man’s body and a woman’s body.


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In addition to the general physical changes that we know about, certain other changes can make a large difference in the way we perceive certain medical conditions and treat them. In addition to experiencing different symptoms and undergoing different forms of treatment for the same condition, the differences between a man’s and woman’s body would make them experience different health related conditions altogether. For instance, while a woman is more susceptible to conditions like osteoporosis, a man has higher changes of suffering from kidney stones.

What can be the reason for this difference? Read on to find out more!

Differences in Anatomies

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In addition to external differences, there are plenty of internal differences in a man’s and woman’s anatomy. For instance, men and women would have different hormones related to their specific body parts. The hormone levels for men and women would also vary drastically. Depending on these hormones and their levels, men and women would experience different disorders and illnesses.


Differences in physical anatomy can make men and women more susceptible to different conditions. While a woman would be more at risk to develop conditions like uterine cancer, cervical cancer or uterine fibroids, a man would be more susceptible to conditions, like testicular cancer and prostatitis.

And while sexually transmitted diseases are common in both men and women, they would generally cause different kinds of symptoms, and would require different kinds of treatments in each case.

Differences in Clinical Risk Factors

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Heart Related Ailments:

Although both men and women face risks of suffering from heart attacks, strokes and other heart related ailments, the risk factor for these conditions increases with age in women. This is due to the rapid increase of the cholesterol levels in a woman’s body, which is characterized, by the steep increase of blood fats (triglycerides) and the decrease of HDL cholesterol levels. The risk factor for these diseases usually increase after a woman crosses 50 years of age and is said to be triggered by the onset of menopause.


Men on the other hand face increased risks of contracting conditions like medical negligence, improper diet, aggression, anxiety, stress, risky behavior, chain smoking, alcohol abuse and drug abuse etc.

Chronic Conditions:

Men have increased chances of dying due to chronic conditions like AIDS and liver diseases etc. Men also have increased chances of dying in young age due to stress related medical ailments, including suicide.

Some of the chronic conditions that women are more susceptible to include Alzheimer’s disease, PID, herpes infections, multiple sclerosis, lupus, vaginal carcinomas and genital ulcers etc.

Differences in lifestyle related ailments

A man’s lifestyle usually differs greatly than that of a woman’s. This change makes men more susceptible to certain lifestyle related ailments. For instance, men are more at risk of developing tendon injuries and tears in addition to sustaining more fractures in their feet.


Women on the other hand have increased chances of getting hammertoes and nerve problems that arise from wearing stilettoes and ill-fitted shoes.

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