DIY homemade pineapple enzyme for a gorgeous, glowing skin

DIY homemade pineapple enzyme for a gorgeous, glowing skin

The terms, beauty and skin are synonymous particularly for those want to do their best with full confidence. However, good skin is very essential not just to enhance your beauty but also because it is our body’s very first line of defense. It also symbolizes a person’s general state of health and fitness.

Young female washing her face

Everyone wants a beautiful skin and there are arrays of cosmetics available at the markets promising to give you one. However, the harmful chemicals in these products do harm your delicate skin. We should consider the natural way of dealing with this, which includes the use of fruits along with other habits. Plenty of fruits contain vital elements necessary for the skin’s natural beauty.

Pineapple – the fruit with a differentiated thorny skin, lush green leaves and an extremely mouth watering taste, contains an enzyme called “bromelain” that can work wonders for your skin making is beautiful and healthy as it is a good cleansing agent and helps in relieving pain, swelling and tenderness. These enzymes make the skin elastic and improve the hydration while removing damages and dead skin cells.

Here is a unique DIY pineapple enzyme recipe that will make everyone fall for your nourished and glowing skin.

pineapple and lemon

Ingredients required:

  • Pineapple 1000g
  • Lemon 300g
  • Kiwi Fruits 300g
  • Rock Sugar 700g

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  1. Wash thoroughly all the fruits, Pineapple, Lemon and Kiwi
  2. Peel off the skins of Pineapple and Kiwi fruits and make them into slices.
  3. Slice the Lemons with their skin on.
  4. Divide all the three fruits in portions of three.
  5. Take one of the three portions of fruits, and arrange and stack the fruits in the order Pineapple, Kiwi fruits, Lemons and rock sugar all inside a glass container. This has to be done exactly with the remaining two portions.
  6. Seal everything inside the container with a food wrap such that all the fruits are properly stacked in.
  7. Cover the glass containers with their lids.
  8. Keep the containers in a dry and cool place for not less than 2 weeks to get ready to be served.
  9. For serving, add 30 ml of ready pineapple enzyme with 10 liters of water.
  10. You can even add enzyme residues if desired.


Pineapple is known to have multiple beauty benefits and is equally nourishing on the body just as inside the body.

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