What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs due to decreased insulin production by beta cells of the pancreas at an early age or due to insulin resistance in adults. The major functions of insulin are to enable the entry of food products, i-e, glucose, into the cells to be used as an energy source for body functions and keep the blood glucose levels in the normal range. In diabetes, insulin is not performing its normal operations resulting in increased blood sugar levels. The normal blood sugar level in an adult is less than 140 mg/dl. If the sugar level rises to 200mg/dl or more, it is called diabetes. Between 140 and 200 mg/dl, the term prediabetics is used.
How to Manage Diabetes
There are several ways to manage diabetes through clinical interventions and lifestyle changes.
1. Food Management
With diabetes, it is imperative to understand the types of foods to take and the quantity required along with various combinations.
· Carb Intake
Managing carbohydrate consumption is important because it increases blood sugar levels. American Diabetes Association (ADA) has rendered it essential for diabetes to know about be aware of their carb intake and its effects. People with diabetes should take a low carb diet. But, that does not mean ditching carbs altogether. If you monitor your carb intake, you are good to go.
· Fibre Intake
Fibres slow down carbs’ absorption and digestion, resulting in a slow rise in blood glucose levels. Vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains have fibre in them. A high fibre diet is very effective in managing type 1 diabetes.
· Hydration
Hydration helps in maintaining blood sugar levels. It also allows the kidneys to flush out excess glucose in urine. Water is the best source of hydration, especially for diabetes. Sweet drinks contain too much sugar, which elevates blood glucose levels and causes weight gain.
2. Physical Activity Management
Exercise helps the cells utilise glucose and boosts the action of insulin. So, exercise can prove very efficient in managing life with diabetes. You need to talk to your doctor about what activities are better according to your physical health. Preferably, do 30 min aerobics every day or most days. If the doctor advises otherwise, considering your overall health, make a plan and manage your workout accordingly.
3. Clinical Management
Insulin and other diabetic oral medications are available to keep diabetes in check. Usually, insulin injections are preferred, but oral solid dose manufacturing for insulin has been underway for some time. The medications should be used according to prescription doses, and insulin should be stored appropriately. If diabetes medications are causing any problems, report immediately to your doctor. If you want to try new drugs, consult your doctor and go about it in a proper method.
4. Stress Management
Stress causes hormonal changes in the body, leading to higher blood sugar levels in diabetics. It is very important to identify stress patterns and take control of the situation by learning relaxation techniques and ways to manage the stressor. Immediately take help if conditions get out of your hand.
Article Submitted By Community Writer