How to deal with postpartum depression

postpartum depression
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Statistical reports have indicated that almost about 15-20% women suffer from postpartum depression around the childbirth. Although, having a baby is the greatest joy in the world, and every woman always looks forward to experiencing the same, but the fact should always be accepted that it is quite stressful, both physically as well as mentally.  Suddenly, you get yourself indulged in a lot of responsibilities, sleep deprivation, managing both at personal as well as the professional front; and this has been nothing new that a lot of new mums feel emotional turbulence, identified to be as the postpartum depression.

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Difference between the baby blues and postpartum depression

postpartum depression

If your expectations of celebrating the arrival of a newborn are turning upside down like a roller coaster into a bizarre feeling; then you are certainly suffering with a postpartum depression and not a baby blues. Instead of experiencing a joy, an excitement, you are always into exhaustion, weepiness and a fear or an anxiety then it needs an immediate medical attention. Although, mild depression, anxiety is always experienced by all the women and can be named as baby blues.

Studies have claimed that baby blues are being experienced by almost 99% of the women, and are characterized by little stress, anxiety, and fear of going away from your baby. The feeling is initiated within the first couple of days, after delivery; can be experienced at its peak around one week and is being subsided by the end of the two weeks postpartum.

What are the different signs and symptoms of postpartum depression?

postpartum depression

Postpartum depression is a more serious version and should not be ignored. Although both baby blues and postpartum depression share many symptoms; ways of dealing with them is different. Some of the symptoms reported for postpartum depression are:

  • Sudden mood swings associated with suicidal thoughts that last for a longer period of time.
  • Insomnia, weepiness,  a feeling of sadness is always experienced.
  • Sudden withdrawal from your baby or partner.
  • Feeling of guilt or worthlessness or always being preoccupied with the thought of death or wish you were not alive.
  • Hallucination and extreme agitation that may have thoughts of harming your baby.
  • Confusion and disorientation.

If you are experiencing any of these red flags then you should be certain that you are experiencing a postpartum depression; which needs an immediate medical attention.

Causes for postpartum depression

postpartum depression

The single reason, why mother develops postpartum depression has not been identified so far; however, a number of causes can be associated with the issue and are found to be interlinked to be able to contribute the same. Some of the general causes reported by experts can be noted as:

  • Hormonal changes: Women experience a sudden drop in the female hormonal levels, like estrogen and progesterone, post pregnancy. For many women, thyroid levels can also drop to alarming levels, which can be one of the primary reasons for depression and stress. This rapid turbulence in the hormonal levels along with the changes in the sleeping pattern, metabolism, lack of proper immunity may lead to the development of postpartum depression.
  • Physical Changes: Giving a birth to a baby, means a new birth for a woman;  as it brings a lot of emotional, physical and metabolic changes in the woman. Many women feel frustrated due to their increased weight, postpartum and might find it difficult to lose those extra pounds. Women also feel mentally blocked about their disfigured body and lack of sexual attractiveness, leading to the development of postpartum depression.
  • Stress: Many women find it stressful to take care of a baby, and feel depressed as well as anxious.

How to cope up with a postpartum depression?

postpartum depression

As a mother, you get to connect with your baby, the time when he is in your womb. The bond develops slowly and effectively, while you nurture your baby and gets stronger for the rest of the life. The bonding is being interrupted due to postpartum depression. However, experts were able to find a number of ways in order to deal with the postpartum depression, which can be noted as:

Creating time for yourself


You may feel trapped in household responsibilities and breastfeeding. However, you need to take out some time for your own, instead of dealing with the stress alone. You can ask other members of your family, like the mother in law or husband, who is trusted enough to take care of your baby, till the time you get enough rest for yourself.

Exercising often

exercise can have a good impact
Young slender blond woman doing exercises in a light gym

A team of researchers from the University of Australia, recently explained that exercise can have a good impact on in reducing the stress and mental depression. It has further been suggested that walking with your baby in a stroller can be very helpful in breathing and feeling fresh.

Maintaining a healthy diet

Maintaining a healthy diet

Experts have suggested that simply eating nutritious food can bring much of a change, especially in curing your postpartum depression. You need to consult your specialist to treat your mental health issues. Some experts have also reported that eating cord liver oil can give your brain a lot of omega-3-fatty acids to help you come out of your mood swings and/or frustrations.


Postpartum depression can always be tackled, if noted at the right time or if treated in the right manner. If you ever feel disoriented or confused, please call your doctor for instant relief.

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