How to Recover Following a Car Accident

Car accidents are mentally and physically traumatic events. It can be challenging to get back to your regular life after being injured in an accident. Luckily, there are a number of ways that you can ensure a speedy recovery following an accident.

Here are some steps you can take to recover after car accidents.

1. See a Doctor

Doctor looking at a x-ray

The most important step you can take for recovery is to visit a healthcare professional and follow the instructions and advice they give you.

This will involve initial contact with a primary care physician as well as possibly receiving referrals to specialists who can treat specific injuries and make sure issues like insomnia, nausea, headaches, etc. are addressed.

Specialists will diagnose you, treat you and assist with the process of rehab. For a speedy and effective recovery following your accident, follow any physical therapy treatment plans prescribed.

Don’t simply consult with a doctor one time – make sure follow-ups are scheduled to assess progress and adjust treatment if it’s needed.

2. Go Home and Rest

A common mistake a lot of accident victims make after their accident is not going home and resting.

Most people don’t know that being in accidents is equally traumatic to the body as surgery. Failing to make sure your body gets adequate sleep and rest after being injured can lead to numerous issues in the future.

If you don’t take some time off after your accident, your recuperation time could be extended by more than six months. Injuries can be masked and your pain receptors can be dulled by adrenaline after an accident.

It might not be fun to rest in bed, but your body needs recovery after accidents.

3. Use Heat and Ice

Ice pack

Regardless if your injuries are serious, your muscles will often be sore after accidents due to tension, stress and the impact. Utilize ice on injured or sore parts of your body to reduce inflammation and swelling and control pain.

Do this in the first three days after your accident by applying the ice for 10 to 15 minutes per application and repeating this as needed.

It is crucial to reduce inflammation and swelling in order to speed up your recovery.

Do not use heat on acute injuries. However, later on, it’s beneficial to do this to help with relaxing of muscle tension.


4. Drink Fluids

Drinking lots of water not only helps you get rid of dehydration

It’s vital to make sure you drink a minimum of six glasses of water each day for a week after an injury. By drinking extra fluids, you can help you reduce inflammation.

After injuries, increase your intake of vitamin C. This is a vitamin which can help repair tissue and reduce inflammation. It also produces electrolytes which help neutralize free radicals which can cause inflammation.

Numerous electrolyte powders exist on the market which can be used to add vitamin C to water.

While recovering from an accident, don’t drink too much soda. The high fructose corn syrup in soda can interfere with production of collagen, which is essential when you recover from injuries such as muscle tears.


5. See a Physical Therapist

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Oftentimes, physical therapists are one of the doctors you’ll want to see after an accident. Receiving physical therapy can be extremely beneficial for your recovery – this will be recommended by many doctors. It can speed up your recovery process as well as lower any risk of chronic ailments in the future.

Physical therapy utilizes healing modalities such as exercise, massage, light therapy, electrical stimulation and ultrasound. Your situation and needs will be assessed by a therapist, who will create a treatment program for you.

The treatments prescribed to you can help to increase mobility, relieve pain, improve your strength and improve your range of motions to help you get back on your feet.

Article By Community Writer.

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