A very significant type of insurance in today’s unpredictable world is the health insurance, which enables the insurer to manage the medical expenses when needed. A large number of insurance companies are providing health insurance but it is mandatory to choose the best among the present alternatives which can provide the maximum benefits and are really worth. Many features should be considered before taking an insurance policy like the premiums, co pay requirements, waiting period for pre existing medical conditions, maximum age period, hospital network, critical illness riders, waiting period for specific diseases and incurred claim settlement ratio of insurer. Below mentioned are the best insurance plans for the year 2017 which individuals can opt for.
Features of Religare health insurance care plan
The best thing about the plan is that it comes with an entry age of 91 days and there is no limit for the upper age meaning that it can be opted for at any time. The policy covers pre and post hospitalization expenses with the minimum sum assured being Rs 5 lakhs and the maximum of Rs 40 lakhs. The insured claim settlement ratio is 61.6% and no sub limits for room rent are there.
Features of Apollo Munich easy health plan
This insurance plan covers the medical expenses for Ayurvedic and Homeopathic treatments also and the minimum sum assured is Rs 1 lakh along with the maximum assured sum of Rs 50 lakhs. The insured claim settlement ratio is 63% and the individuals below the age of 46 years do not need any medical check –up for taking up the policy. The plan covers 144 listed day care procedures and pre and post hospitalization expenses.
Features of ICICI Lombard complete health –ihealth
With a high claim settlement ratio of 87%, this insurance plan comes with a minimum sum assurance of Rs 1 lakh and the maximum being 10 lakhs. It covers the day care procedures and pre and post hospitalization expenses along with no sub limits on room rents. There is no maximum age of entry and the minimum age being 6 months, and the proposer, should be 18 years of age.
Features of Max Bupa Health Companion plan
Another health insurance plan, the Max Bupa Companion plan comes with a minimum age of entry as 3 months and no bar for the maximum age. The proposer should be 18 years of age and the minimum sum of assurance is Rs 2 lakhs along with the maximum being Rs 100 lakhs. The claim settlement ratio for this plan is 55%.