Nutrition that make difference in Parkinson’s disease

Nutrition that make difference in Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is every common among people above 50. This is a disorder of central nervous system, mainly the brain cells. The first few symptoms can be rigidity, slowed movements, shaking of hands and trouble in walking. It worsens with time as on later stages, problems like behavioral change and difficulty in thought processing become graver. Dementia is a common occurrence in early stages while depression can follow later. Sometimes emotional, sensory and sleep problems are observed.

Parkinson’s disease
This disease can affect the daily routine of a person immensely, since it causes the shaking of hands, legs, jaws, and fingers. As the disease affects the central nervous system, a person can lose all sense of movement, coordination and balance.

Medication in this disease triggers at increasing dopamine activity. Good nutrition should be a very important aspect of the life of a person with Parkinson’s disease. Some areas of this disease like memory loss, constipation, fatigue, depression and restlessness can be improved only with diet.

eating good

Balanced diet

First, eating a good balanced diet is very important. A balanced diet for this includes eating on proper time and including eatables from all food groups. On the top of this, the patient should aim at reducing the environmental toxins as much as possible.

Vegetable Oil

Include more antioxidants

Antioxidants can detoxify the system. The antioxidants that can be included in diet are present in dietary sources like wheat germ, vegetable oils, whole grains, avocados, olive oil and nuts. Intake of vitamin C and E can help in delaying use of drugs for cure of this disease .CoQ10 is one of the most important antioxidants for energy production and it can reduce effects of Parkinson significantly.

Some more antioxidants are Ginkgo Biloba, N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) and Alpha-Lipoic Acid. Another antioxidant is urate that one should consider including in the diet as it reduces the stressed patient. However, high urate diet should be taken after doctor’s prescription.


Include more vitamins

If the diet of the patient does not contain vitamins, it may result in many bone related diseases like osteoporosis. This may further lead to fractures and bone misalignment. Therefore, vitamin D and calcium are important dietary needs for patient having Parkinson’s disease.

Milk and milk products like yogurt and cheese are important sources of calcium. Basking is the easiest way to source vitamin D from sunlight while the patients can also consume foods like breakfast cereals, fortified milk, fatty fish and yogurt. Another important vitamin is B6. It is found in foods like mushrooms, turnips, broccoli, spinach, brussels sprouts and bananas.

sleep apnea

Increase the magnesium levels

Many people suffering from Parkinson also suffer from insomnia. In that case including magnesium in their diet can prove useful. It is found in foods like raw spinach, fish, nuts, beans, lentils, bananas and brown rice.

hempseeds diet

Incorporate omega-3 fat acids

In Parkinson’s disease, often patients are in depression. To help overcome their mood and behavioral problems ensure them a diet rich with omega-3 fats. These can be found in fishes like herring, anchovies, salmon, trout and mackerel. Plant sources are hempseeds, chia seeds and walnuts.


Not only the change in diet help the patient to live a better life but will also make the progression of disease slower.

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