Signs and symptoms that show your body might be dealing with some problem

Human body is one of the most complex and awe inspiring creations. The body has a vast network of connections that work well in coordination with each other. At times when there comes some problem in coordination then various disorders crop up, not overnight but slowly. Health conditions remain hidden until they become severe but every deficiency or a problem inside shows up some signs that are like alarms, which inform human beings about some trouble inside the body. Scroll through to find out some signs that reveal there could be a hidden health condition inside.

Lumps under your skin


If you feel some limps under your skin then that could be a sign that you are likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis soon. They are lumps made of tissues that usually grow near elbows and on hands, and they do not hurt.

The unending hiccups

The unending hiccups

If someone gets long bouts of hiccups, the one that keeps coming back repeatedly and continues for a minimum of 48 hours then it could be a sign of esophageal cancer or some lung problem. Never ignore such long never-ending bouts of hiccups.

Excess of earwax

Excess of earwax

Earwax lubricates and protects our ear canal but too much of earwax in the ear is no good sign. Too much of it reduces the hearing capacity and causes extreme itchiness inside the ear. The excessive earwax production in the ear takes place when your body lacks some of the essential fatty acids.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks

Usually extreme weight gain or weight loss is the reason people get stretch marks but there is one more reason many of you must be ignorant of, and that is the deficiency of zinc. Zinc produces collagen that keeps skin healthy, and lack of zinc means lack of collagen that leads to skin problems and one of the problems is stretch marks.

Craving for ice

Craving for ice

Iron deficiency has a particular symptom not many people know about, the craving for ice. The weird craving to have ice cubes is to satisfy the pain and swelling anemia causes on the tongue.


The signs that a human body displays come handy to figure out a health problem well on time and to take necessary measures to stop its further growth. It is not necessary that the signs are correct always but in majority of the cases, they do turn out to be true and helpful.

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