BV can be cured using a complete 360 degrees solution. It basically is an infection, the source of which cannot be understood. BV means bacterial vaginosis which, as the name suggests, is caused by bacteria. Low levels of the bacteria can cause this problem. Hence, finding the right cause for this problem is essential. Following are the steps one need to take to solve this health problem.
Generally, women who indulge in unprotected sex or multiple sex partners face this problem. This should be avoided by using protection during sex, namely condoms. If you are diagnosed with the problem, staying away from any sexual activity until the problem is solved is the best solution.
After this precautionary method, take natural antibiotics. One of these is tea tree oil. It is a natural antibiotic and helps cure this problem slowly, but permanently. Many gels containing tea tree oil are easily available in the market. Consult the physician or pharmacist for the best gel available. Apply it after reading the instructions. Another easy and effective solution is using oral antibiotics such as ginger, garlic, and turmeric.
These, if had in regular proportions everyday can help in relieving the problem. Such solutions are available on the internet. Understanding your BV stage, find the right solution for it. Oral antibiotics, if combined with the tea tree antibiotic can be a perfect solution to this problem. Consulting the pharmacist can help you with the right combination.
An imbalance of natural vaginal flora is one of the most important and basic cause of vaginosis. Hence, the basic treatment to this is keeping a balance of vaginal flora. This can be done with the intake of milk and probiotic yogurt. These food items contain lactobacillus bacteria, which is similar to the bacteria occupying the vaginal area. Hence, keeping the right balance of these bacteria is essential. Moreover, the low levels of these advantageous bacteria can be restored by the regular intake of these products. If not the intake, application of yoghurt or milk on the vagina is important. You should consume 3-4 cups of yoghurt every day.
These tips are necessary to be followed everyday consistently. This health problem can be annoying; however, one should understand that there are ample remedies to get it cured.