Children always tend to behave naturally, which shows their true emotions at all times. This is perfectly normal, as they don’t try to alter their behavior. However, some of the traits can be abnormal and can be treated naturally before more intensive treatment would be required which could also be harmful and can have side effects too.
Most common disorders are Oppositional Defiant Disorder which includes easily getting angered or frustrated, instant temper elevations, trying to annoy others consciously, argues more often with near elders and parents, rejecting orders etc. This is more common with boys. Second one is Conduct Disorder that characterizes refusal to obey conventional rules, aggressiveness towards other people and animals, trying to bully younger ones, indulging in physical fights and trying to use small things as weapons, lying more often, getting attracted to drugs, alcohol and cigarette, trying to run away, stealing and disturbing organized things. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder includes concentrating difficulties, forgetting frequently, leaving things incomplete, restlessness, fiddling with something every time, talking continuously without listening.
There are many factors leading to such behavioral problems. Problems in family, domestic violence, changes in societal pattern with new generation, decreasing physical activities with more time spent on electronics, dietary deficiency with foods available having lesser nutritional content.
Some options to treat these disorders first hand are as follows:-
- Family Behavior Changes: – Children instantly learn things they see in their family members. Communication should be taken care of while in presence of children in the house. Every member should converse and carry out all home activities to set examples to children.
- Parental Guidance: – Most effective is the parental guidance on children because they converse all the time with their children. They should imply various techniques like reward on something good, limiting privileges on something not good, resorting from bashing children, encouraging on failures, supporting on any problem etc. They should always try to stay calm when dealing with aggravation from children because sometimes children tend to get angrier when you lose your temper on them.
- Dietary Changes: – Diet is the main reason to give you healthy body and mind. Dietary changes are said to change your behavior a lot. Children taking a lot of sugar products and refined eatables are more prone to behavioral problems.
- Professional Consultation: – Getting support from trained psychologists can majorly help one revive children’s problems. They can help you understand different conditions responsible for altering children’s behavior and how to help them get rid of any behavioral disorder through regular routines.
Children in the age group of 5 to 15, generally boys can suffer from such disorders which are not in their ability to understand, handle it and get rid of it. They surely need help from parents and people around which help them avoid any stress related to it from their lives.