In the present day scenario when you want to take control of your health, there are many skin health related things that you would want to do yourself. Whether it is having a facial, applying a lotion or taking a steam infused with essential oils, you can do it all at home.
Making a moisturizer for daily use can be made at home as per your choice and can be used as per your convenience. You can choose the essential oil that you need as carrier oil. This will form the base of the moisturizer and the selection of this base will mainly depend on your skin type. For example, if you have a dry skin you can choose olive oil, avocado or jojoba oil, almond oil suits for all skin types, grape seed oil goes well with oily skin type.
You can use these oils directly or add some other skin nourishing oils for betterment. You can choose to add primrose oil for all skin types, neem oil or sandalwood oil for those with acne prone skin, carrot seed oil for healing and keeping the skin healthy, rosewood, sage and lavender oil for the aging skin, and many such essential oils are available for specific purposes.
All you need to do is to take your choice of carrier oil in a glass bottle to fill more than half of the bottle. Fill the remaining bottle with additional skin nourishing oils of your choice. Then add 2 to 4 drops of essential oils with the fragrance that you prefer the most. Shake the mixture and smell it to confirm that it is as strong as your desired. If you need the fragrance to be stronger you can add some more drops of essential oils or else, if it is sufficiently strong, the mixture is perfect. Your daily moisturizer is ready for use.