Five obstructions on your way to achieve better mental health

Five obstructions on your way to achieve better mental health

Mental care is a very important aspect of your health, in the absence of which you will not be able to achieve the best of your health. It is now available for people of all age groups but the sad part is that many people still are unable to seek better mental health due to various reasons. Here are five such reasons that are hindrance for you while receiving mental health care.



It has been reported through various studies including a report published by the name “Perceived Barriers to Mental Health Service Utilization in United States, Ontario and Netherlands” that attitude of people act as a barrier and prevented them from pursuing mental health care. The barriers lead to the belief amongst such patients that if there is a problem with the mind it could be treated on its own and there is no actual need of psychiatric care.


Financial Concerns and Disparity:

Many people are devoid of proper mental health care because of lack of proper economic conditions. The main reasons behind this are the lack of health insurance coverage or insurances where large amount of sum is to be paid by the patient himself. There are large numbers of Americans who are uninformed about various facilities like free mental health services and discounts available at their city, state, country or private clinics.


Poor Self-perception:

Mental illness is generally characterized by the feeling of the patients that they are normal without any kind f illness. Such kind of attitude of the patients may even worsen their condition for their entire life due to their improper mental condition. However, this could be greatly improved with the help of proper medication and care. Support and encouragement from the family members play an important role in the treatment of such people.


Poor Access:

While some Americans are unable to access proper medical care due to their location in far off places, others lag behind due to unavailability of proper transport facilities and family responsibilities. At places where there is a mental health professional the crowd of the people is so large that many people give up for their turn to come.



Many people have a feeling of disgrace towards those who are mentally ill and this fear of embarrassment is one of the reasons that stop people from seeking medical health.


Looking at these situations it is our moral duty as a member of society and family to encourage and support people to seek proper mental health care.

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