Simple things to enhance your natural beauty while bathing

Simple things to enhance your natural beauty while bathing

While beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, it’s often hard to keep up with your skin. The cosmetics that are available at stores are expensive and may even worsen the appearance of your skin is used for a prolonged time. Here is a list of three simple ingredients which when added to your bath water, will boost your natural beauty. Take a look.


Oatmeal – reduces itching sensation of the skin:

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If you are looking for a solution to your dry and irritated skin adding oatmeal to your bathing water will be very useful. Grind unflavored oatmeal to make a smooth powder. Empty this powdered oatmeal into a sock or panty hose and hold it under the faucet of your tub. Scrub the oatmeal into your body.


Oranges – to add softness to your skin:

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To allure your body with that sensational citrus aroma, squeeze in fresh oranges into your bathing water. All you need to do is to slice up the oranges into thin roundels and them to got water bath. The acid in the fruit helps clean oil from the skin surface and remove and exfoliate dead skin to expose new softer skin.

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Milk – To add that special glow:

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Since times immemorial, milk has been used to enhance natural beauty. Milk baths were the exclusive beauty treatments for eternal beauties like Cleopatra. Milk contains lactic acid which works as a skin softener and also as exfoliate to remove dead skin cells off your face. If you do not like the odor of warm milk you can even add in a few drops of an essential oil such as lavender or rosemary to get that ever glowing and healthy skin.


Tea – for your hair and skin:

Tea which is a common ingredient at our house can work wonders when it comes to moisturizing your hair. To bring back the lost shine of your dry and dull hair use tea bags dipped in warm water as a final rinse for your hair. Wet tea bags can also be used to remove the dryness and sting of your feet. Taking a tea bath daily would help you get free from offensive body odor.


When stocking in costly cosmetics to boost your beauty, you often realize the usefulness of common household items in rejuvenating your skin’s freshness.

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