Five tips to combat heart attack when alone

Five tips to combat heart attack when alone

Heart attacks can be sudden and fatal. For those who never had any heart condition before, it is important to go through the signs and symptoms of a heart attack as it can happen to anyone. Others who have had a stroke in the past understand pressure and the pain felt in the chest, followed by pain in other parts of the body such as arms, back, neck and jaws. When you have someone around you, he/she may make it easier to help you fight this fatal condition. However, how would you tackle it when you are alone?


Call 911

We may talk about a number of ways to delay cardiac arrest but the first and most important step is to call for medical help. This ensures while you try to delay unconsciousness your help is on your way. All other ways just ensure that you do your best till you’re in professional hands or the best heart doctors in India.

Leverage Technology

While technology has invaded all spheres of life there’s no reason why it cannot help in such emergency situation. Companies like Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc. provide you a unit, which can be installed at your workplace and home and you can ask for help by tapping a help button on the device worn by the user. Another such application is AliveECG that can transmit your ECG to the doctors while you’re facing the attack and you can get advice from your doctor.

Ensure ventilation and try to relax

Your panicking will not help you in case of a heart attack. Try to relax, sit in a comfortable position and improve the ventilation in your room by opening all the windows. Sitting alongside one will not be a bad idea in your condition. Relaxing will allow more oxygen to get to your heart and will prevent you from becoming unconscious, which is not a desirable condition in case of a heart attack.

Keep aspirin in your pockets

Your easy access to aspirin can be the difference between your life and death. It is important to keep aspirin in your pockets or nearby in case you’re a heart patient. Aspirin doesn’t allow blood platelets to stick together and reduces the clot inside. Chewing the tablets is recommended as this helps in instant dispersion of the drug inside your body and heart.

Increase oxygen intake

Bottled oxygen at home or workplace can help improve the oxygen intake in your body. Do not rush with it though and administer oxygen intake methodically.

It is natural to panic in case you’re going through the motions of a heart attack, but it is important to hold your nerve and act wisely. Just try to access as much help as is possible and keep your calm. This is the best advice we can give you to help you combat a heart attack.

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