Growth Hormone: Everything You Need to Know About It

Growth Hormone

When it comes to one’s growth, the general opinion is that we can’t do much about it, as our growth hormones are governed by our genetics. But the thing most of us don’t know about it is, genetics is only a part of the picture. There are many other factors that determine our growth hormone.

What exactly is Growth Hormone?

Since growth plays such a central role in our lives, most of us might have heard about the growth hormone at school or at home. But what exactly is it? Well, as the name suggests that growth hormone is primarily responsible for the tissue growth and cell regeneration. But did you know that it also serves many other functions like maintaining muscle mass, controlling body’s metabolism and determining skin and bone density? It is secreted by our brain’s pituitary gland which also plays a significant role in our physical mental health.

Growth Hormone Deficiency

Growth hormone deficiency is quite common. Its main symptoms include muscle loss, reduced bone density, high blood pressure, increased body fat and a general lack of motivation. However, these are not caused by genetics alone. More often than not, growth hormone deficiency comes along with a range of other lifestyle related problems. Let us take a look at a few common reasons behind it.

1. Obesity


Obesity and growth hormone are interconnected at multiple levels. Weight gain, especially around the belly, reduces the growth hormone secretion; whereas growth hormone in its turn leads to more obesity.

2. Sleep Deprivation

Growth hormone primarily acts when we are in deep sleep, so any lack of sleep in general and good quality sleep in particular is bound to affect it. A hormone called melatonin is mostly responsible for deep sleep, which in its turn is dependent on a range of other lifestyle factors like the ones discussed below.

3. Diet

Growth hormone secretion is very intricately linked with your diet. You need to have to balanced diet for its best secretion. Eat too much or too little, and it would reflect in your growth hormone production. Among other things, excessive drinking could also significantly reduce your body’s growth hormone production.

4. Aging


Normally, growth hormone starts decreasing once we are over 30. However, we can counter it with a healthy lifestyle.

5. Hormonal Imbalance

Any imbalance in other hormones like testosterone, oestrogen, or thyroid is bound to have its impact on the growth hormone and vice versa.

How to Increase Growth Hormone

Ingesting growth hormones isn’t the solution, as it could lead to medical conditions like acromegaly. Nevertheless, medical procedures like hgh therapy could help greatly.  Along with that, you should also make the following changes in your lifestyle and see if they help.

1. A Good Quality Night Sleep

Good Quality Night Sleep

The best way to assure that you get deep sleep is by increasing your sleeping hours. In other words, to improve your growth hormones you need to get an adequate sleep every night, which is around 6-8 hours.

2. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting comes with a range of benefits; stimulating growth hormone is one of them. Not eating something for a long while releases Gherlin (the hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger), which helps in the growth hormone secretion. But you need to maintain a balance, as fasting for a much longer duration might negatively impact our growth hormone production.

3. Eating a Balanced Diet

Balanced Diet

Protein has gained so much of recognition that it goes without saying that protein helps in your growth. Still, rather than solely focusing on it, make sure that you include the right amount of good quality carbs and healthy fats in your diet.

4. Exercise

Exercise too stimulates growth hormone. So, if you exercise regularly, the probability is, it might become the backbone of a healthy lifestyle, so much so that you don’t have to consciously focus on increasing your growth hormone but it happens by itself.

Final Words

Following this guide would assure that your growth hormone stays at healthy level. If the lifestyle changes don’t help you, it’s best to see a qualified doctor before opting for any treatment.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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