Flu season starts every November and lasts throughout February. While most people recover from the flu without any complications, some people get quite ill and end up requiring hospitalization in order to fully recover. Fortunately, there are many things one can do in order to decrease their chances of catching the flu and increase their chances of recovering quickly if they do catch it. Following are a few tips that anyone can use in order to prepare for the upcoming flu season.
1. Get the Flu Shot
Getting the annual flu vaccine is one of the most important things a person can do in order to stay well during flu season. Each year the flu vaccine is reformulated in order to protect against the most prevalent strains of flu. By getting the flu shot, one greatly reduces their chances of catching the flu. If they do end up catching the flu, the amount of time it will take to recover is drastically reduced.
2. Practice Good Hand Hygiene
Good hand hygiene is one of the easiest ways a person can stay well during flu season. Unfortunately, most people do not practice good hand hygiene, which leads to increased spread of germs and rates of sickness. A person should wash their hands with warm water and soap every time they use the restroom, as well as throughout the day. By washing one’s hands with soap and warm water for at least thirty seconds, one will decrease their chance of getting sick or spreading their germs to others.
3. Mask Up to Stay Healthy
Masks are a simple, yet effective, way to stay well during flu season. By wearing a properly fitted protective mask that covers the nose and mouth, one can prevent up to ninety five percent of germ particles from entering the body. Face masks are inexpensive and can be purchased in a variety of colors and styles to match anyone’s wardrobe and personal style.
4. Get Enough Sleep
One of the most effective ways to bolster one’s immune system is to get enough sleep. Sleep allows the body to recover and regenerate cells to allow each system to run more effectively. Those who are chronically sleep deprived tend to get sick more often. This is due to a weakened immune system that has been overtaxed due to a chronic lack of sleep. Try to aim for at least eight hours of sleep per night. Many people suffer from insomnia. If this sounds familiar, consider using a white noise machine or brewing some herbal tea in the evening in order to allow the body to naturally relax and prepare for a restful night’s sleep.
5. Take a Daily Multivitamin
In order to keep the immune system robust and healthy, it is important to focus on a healthy diet full of leafy greens, fruits, lean meats, and whole grains. Unfortunately, most people do not maintain a healthy diet that is conducive towards building a strong immune system. If this type of diet is difficult to achieve, a daily multivitamin can help make up for what a poor diet lacks. Try to find a multivitamin that contains enough vitamin C, E, A, and D. These vitamins are the building blocks of the immune system and can help the body fend off illness, especially during cold and flu season.
Article Submitted By Community Writer