Simple ways to prevent infections

Simple ways to prevent infections

Infections can be spread when you go out and get exposed to various people, objects and other things in your surroundings. Airborne infections spread by droplets released in air that come in contact with the nose and mouth of other individuals. Water borne diseases spread due to contaminated water being consumed by someone else.

While there are many ways of coming in contact with organisms causing infection, it is also good to know that there are certain ways to prevent the contact too. Additionally, there are some ways in which although you come in contact with these germs, you can protect yourself from their harmful effects. The key to this is to remain clean and healthy.

Tips for you

Here are some tips that can help you to keep away from infections. These can be followed regularly and more so when there is an outbreak of viral or other infections.


  • Keeping yourself clean – A regular bath with warm water can keep you clean and fresh. You can also choose to have a bath after you come home from work, school or play. It can help to keep the germs at bay and wearing clean clothes for a night’s sleep will add to it.
  • Washing your hands – Although, it may sound like community living chapter you must have studied in school, it is true. Washing hands before and after eating or using them for personal purposes, can cut down on most of the spread of infections. Using a good antiseptic soap can also help.


  • Using sanitizers – While you are on the move, you happen to touch at many common places that may have been contaminated by others. It is worth using a sanitizer to clean your hands after using such things or places. Special care must be taken before eating, diaper changing for babies and feeding children.
  • Personal care – Sharing of personal belongings should be avoided. This is especially applicable for people who live in hostels or even in families.  Sharing of bathing soaps, towels, shaving brush, etc can lead to spread of infection from person to person and hence be avoided.
  • Safe practices – using a handkerchief while sneezing, coughing or wearing a mask can help. Staying indoors when you have an infection and taking extra care after visiting hospitals is essential.


  • Protect yourself – Have a healthy balanced diet, take regular dose of multivitamins and supplement if required. Get yourself vaccinated as per recommendations and keep your surroundings clean.

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