Blackheads (and whiteheads) are caused by clogged pores: when oil and dead skin cells get trapped underneath the blockage, it can build up and oxidize, causing those tiny dark specks. They are most often found on the nose and the rest of the T-zone area. While common, they can be unsightly and may ruin what would otherwise be flawless-looking skin. There are a number of ways to rid you of them, and we list them down below to find out which method is best:
Don’t Scrub Them Away
While blackheads are an unattractive sight, trying to scrub them off your face can do a lot more harm than good. Having blackheads is not a sign of uncleanliness, or that you haven’t washed your face enough. They are naturally occurring, since the body naturally produces oil and you have 5 million pores, hundreds of thousands of which are on your face.You can cause more damage by treating your skin roughly and attempting to scrub them out with force. Now, on to the rest of the guide.
Consider Salicylic Acid
Many over-the-counter products and Korean skincare products offer salicylic acid as a prominent ingredient. This beta hydroxy acid can do wonders for your skin, as the molecules are structured in a way that makes it more soluble, therefore giving it the ability to penetrate deep into the pores.
From there, it can dissolve the debris that’s causing the blockage. Look for products that feature salicylic acid prominently: ideally, a leave-on gel-type product works best for eradicating the unsightly spots since the active ingredient works much better the longer it stays on your skin. After several weeks of religious application, you may be able to notice a striking difference. Some blackheads will simply disappear, while others may loosen from your pores, leaving you free to wipe them off without issue.
Look into Retinoids
Retinoids may have gotten a bit of a bad rep, thanks to a number of myths surrounding their use and application. However, they can be one of the best ways to get rid of blackheads, while having the added bonus of anti-aging properties and increased collagen production. If you have sensitive skin, try a low-strength retinoid, and make sure you use them sparingly. They’re best added to your nighttime skincare routine. Retinoids are definitely something that you’ll want to pace yourself through, as trying too much of this miracle substance too fast can cause irritation.
Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate
Exfoliating regularly is key to sloughing off the dead skin cells and debris that are sitting on the surface of the skin, waiting to get into your pores and become blackheads. Use products with charcoal, milk, papaya, pineapple extract, and even clay to eliminate the gunk and leave it clean and fresh. These ingredients can be found in masks and packs that will lift the blackheads while you laze around watching TV or doing some light reading. You can also use a Clarisonic to really give those pores a deep clean. However, make sure that you don’t overdo it. Masking and exfoliating, even Clarisonic use, should be limited to twice a week.
Consult Your Dermatologist
Your dermatologist may prescribe you with medication to combat blackheads and whiteheads, or recommend a procedure designed to get them off, such as micro-needling. Certain prescription medicines such as oral contraceptives and Spironolactone can also reduce the production of oil, which will then reduce blackheads and prevent new ones from appearing. However, keep in mind that these things are usually reserved for individuals who suffer from moderate to severe acne. If your dermatologist doesn’t see the need to recommend prescription drugs to bust your spots, don’t push the issue and compromise your overall health.
Deciding which method is the best way to get rid of blackheads depends on many factors, such as the severity and reason for their appearance. Trying out these remedies and changing your skincare routine may help in removing them, but it is always best to consult a professional if your skin is sensitive or if the occurrence of blackheads is starting to affect your daily of life.
Article Submitted By Community Writer