High Five: Reasons to Increase Your Protein Intake

High Five: Reasons to Increase Your Protein Intake


Feeling a little sluggish? Struggling to lose fat or build muscle mass? It could be that you aren’t getting the right balance of protein in your diet. As the building blocks of your body, proteins are critical for its health, and there are plenty of reasons why upping your protein intake could be a good idea. Here are just five.

You feel fuller, longer

Studies have found that as your percentage protein intake increases, daily calorie needs diminish. This results in you consuming fewer calories. Your body will also use up more calories to digest protein than any other type of food. Those who eat high protein diets have less fat around their stomachs, which is exactly what you need when you’ve set your sights on Adonis abs.

Your muscle mass will build

Lifting weights has long been proven to help build muscle, but you make the greatest gains when combining your strength training with protein consumption. Exercise can almost double your protein requirement, so be sure to compensate with a gradual increase, as you up your activity levels.

You will lose fat

It’s not just your stomach that shrinks when you load on protein, and even doing something as simple as replacing 500 of your daily calories with a filling whey protein shake can diminish fat – fast!


Protein improves alertness

Eating protein first thing in the morning might be particularly useful, as it raises the tyrosine levels of your brain, which helps to make you feel awake, and ready to tackle the day ahead. The most effective proteins are lean chicken, turkey, oily fish, beef and eggs, all of which provide a much needed boost that will last longer than a morning coffee.

Play better

In sports nutrition, protein can help with strength, body composition, and endurance, and it needs to be topped up regularly, as the body struggles to store protein in the way it does with fat. Athletes should plan to get between 12 – 15% of their calories from protein–so meals should be planned carefully! One good idea is to have 5 small meals throughout the day, and snack right. A handful of nuts, a spoonful of peanut butter, some cubed tofu — all are great ways to boost your intake and sustain momentum.

Being healthy can only be a good thing. Getting lots of protein is definitely a way to put yourself on that road and also to being a happier you.


Article Submitted By Community Writer.

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