Bulking and cutting is almost the holy grail of muscle development, or rather, developing the ideal physique ready for summer. Bulking aims to gain muscle mass, while cutting aims to lose body fat while maintaining muscle mass. Yet, many people don’t actually do it right. There’s also the question of following this based on seasons or following it based on personal preferences.
Then you also need to consider the philosophy of bulking and cutting and how to do it correctly because there is tons of conflicting information online. Should you do a clean bulk or a dirty bulk?
Below, we’ll explore the pros and cons of bulking and cutting in winter and summer.
Bulking in Winter
There’s no denying that winter is a great time to bulk up for a few reasons. Bulking is, essentially, eating in a calorie. The aim is to eat more calories than you burn to facilitate weight gain and muscle mass increase. There’s clean bulking and dirty bulking. Clean bulking is eating a clean diet but adding more calories, and dirty bulking is eating a diet high in processed foods full of calories. It technically means people gain weight faster at the expense of being unhealthy and neglecting the nutrients our bodies actually need.
Winter is the ideal time to bulk for multiple reasons. The colder weather often means we spend more time indoors, wrapped up with jumpers and coasts, which conceals a less chiseled physique that many people don’t idealize as the perfect body. It’s also technically easier to stick to a strict workout and diet plan until the festivities come along, and then you’d enter into a dirty bulk.
To bulk and be in a calorie surplus, you can eat calorie-dense foods like nuts, avocados, and red meat, while increasing your portion sizes. Focusing on progressive overload during workouts is also essential to stimulate muscle growth. Using creatine and steroids also aids bulking season – you can buy steroids Canada and creatine.
Take into account the negatives. The extra calories can lead to excessive weight gain if not managed correctly, impacting physique and fitness goals.
Cutting in Summer
A summer cut, or rather a pre-summer cut, is ideal. Cutting involves reducing calorie intake – you need to burn more calories than you’re consuming.
One advantage of cutting in the summer is that the warmer weather can make it easier to stay active. Outdoor activities like hiking are more appealing, and the general drive to be more active is higher. Additionally, seasonal produce like berries, melons, and fresh vegetables can make a healthier diet more appealing. The desire to look good wearing less clothing also helps.
However, cutting in the summer can also have its challenges. The temptation to indulge in cold treats like ice cream and alcoholic drinks can make it harder to maintain a calorie deficit. There’s also a requirement to increase cardio slightly, which some weight addicts despise.
Is There A Right Or Wrong Way To Do It?
It’s a common misconception that winter is for bulking and summer is for cutting. It’s essential to remember that bulking and cutting are long-term processes that require consistent effort and dedication – whether it’s during the winter or summer. The philosophy, or should we say, the idealization, is that you spend time bulking during winter when your body is usually concealed and cut before the summer to show a shredded body.
Realistically, as long as you’re following the principles of bulking and cutting – while nurturing your body throughout – you can remove the seasonal factors and simply focus on bulk and cut diets that suit your fitness routine and physical goal. Do your research, follow your own plan, and decide when is the best time to cut and bulk for you.
Article Submitted By Community Writer